Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Innisfree - No Sebum Mineral Powder Review

No-Sebum means oil free on ours face. When we have Oily to Combination Skin type, we need  extra careful to create our make up long lasting and still fresh after long hours. Oily face just ruin our make up after few hours. 
Innisfree No-Sebum Mineral Powder can help absorb excess oil and leave skin matte.
So, I really curious when find out this products,my skin type is oily so when i use make up i need a product that can control and absorb oil so it doesn't ruin my make up.
I bought really cheap just around USD 5 when i bought at Korea Depart. Packaging comes in simple and small,suit in my bag and for travelling.

Innisfree No-Sebum Mineral Powder

Made with Jeju Natural Mineral and Natural Originated Mint. This Product Free From Parabens,Talc,Artificial Colour, or Mineral Oil. My suggestion, before you buy products see first their ingredients. Products that contains Parabens, Mineral oil are not good for your skin and health.

When you look the date printed most of us will think this product is already Expired. But not Girls, This is manufacturing date, so don't worry to use this and i'm just remind you because mostly innisfree products is free from parabens so innisfree lifetime products not too long, about 6 month after opened.

This product comes in white powder and it goes on transparent when you apply on your skin.

Powder all patted down leave my skin feel smooth & supple also with smell herbal mint 

In the first photo i don't use Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Powder and you can look shiny part above my lips and at my nose.  This shiny part is oily on my face after 2 hour i use make up.

After that i try to use Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Powder and patted on my face. After 2 hours my face still matte. Wow So this product so Amazing, can absorb oil and control oil. 

Likes : 
1. Absorb Oil very well
2. Smell nicely with mint fragrance
3. Small and suit for travel size
4. Natural Ingredients : No Parabens,Mineral Oil,Talc
5. Smooth
6. Cheap Price  yet comes with good benefits

Don't Like - No

Definitely Buy Again :) 

Strongly Recommended For Oily Skin and Combination Skin.

Innisfree always delivers Good products for Consumers. I like brand who like Natural Ingredients Products and less using chemical. Benefit for Our skin,health and environments.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How To Remove and Prevent Acne ?

Acne is big problem for everyone especially women. Acne make women not confident, shame, uncomfortable, and of course when using make up will not perfect. 
My skin condition is tend easily to breakout, i have problem with acne since high school and worst when i at college. When i have a lot of acne do you think i'm not care for my skin? Not Right. my effort was great to get rid acne and of course i always aks and seraching the best method to get rid acne from many resources. But at the time the result is zero. I always ask? why my face still not getting better after treatment at beauty clinic, go to doctor who specialize at skin, use products who they say is the best to curing acne, and etc...  until i can't recall hahaha :)

My skin type is oily skin, this type tend very easily got acne because produce to much sebum at your face. Just 2 hours after i wash my face i will need several pieces of face paper. It make me so depressed T_T 

What Causes Acne ? 
Acne is a skin disease that involves oil glands at the base of hair follicles. These Glands produce sebum an oily liquid. The glands are stimulated by male hormones by the adrenal glands of both males and females. To simply it - skin cells, sebum and hair can clump together into a plug, this plug gets infected with bacteria resulting in swelling. Experts believe the primary cause is a rise in androgen levels (type of hormones) Rising androgen levels make the oil glands under you skin grow , the enlarged gland produces more oil. Excessive sebum can break down cellular walls in your pores causing bacteria to grow. 

My Experiences Treating Acne ? 
Because i face acne since high school i have many experiences to shared from Failed to Success Way

Failed Way : 
Treatment at Beauty Clinic? 
Ok, this treatment cost a lot of money and can not give me perfect result. Why? 
They give you suggestion to do acne facial, acne peeling, Use their Products (cream,toner,sunblock,etc)
Result : 
-  Acne facial just worst my acne because my skin got inflame because their procedures and make my acne become worst because of inflamation when they remove blackheads. Pain? Of course pain when they remove blackheads. 
- Acne Peeling : Just make your skin layer thiner and make your skin become more sensitive
My Tips : Remove your blackheads using Innisfree Jeju Pore Clay Mask Hard, I don't have blackheads problem after using this product routine also reduce sebum problem. 
Go To Doctors Who Specialize at Skin 
This way also cost a lot of money, they just want patients using their products and not really look the problem. In Simple Word - they just make the same prescribtion for one to another. I have friend who have mild acne problem and she got same prescribtion like me who got severe acne. I look another doctors i hope they different, but is not. 

 And another then another methods that i can't recall again.... 

So... I got depressed and depressed and no hope, one day i take decision to balance my diet,stress,sleep and change to natural skin care product. From many searching i tend to like use korean skin care that offers natural skin care. NO Parabens, Mineral oil, etc... 
I change my way to natural ways, is it success? 
Day by day i look my face, i don't have severe acne again just small pimple once in a month. 

To success this way first i reduce my sebum, cause sebum is the main topic cause of acne.
How To Reduce Sebum ? 
Today my face is less oily, what method i use ? 
1. Using skin care that can reduce sebum, My favourite product so far : Innisfree Jejubija Anti Trouble Series and Mineral sebum powder. This product is really helpful for me. 
2. I reduce eat greasy food, not avoid just reduce. 
3. Drink Curcuma, this drink help me a lot to reduce sebum, but will increase your appetite, just drink 2-3 times in a week.

How To Get Rid Acne Completely and Prevent Acne ? 
Today my face is much better than before after i use these method :
1. Using skin care that can reduce sebum
2. Use Acne Product, I like Use Benton High Content Essence this very helpful to get rid acne.
3. Use Sunblock
4. Before using foundation/bb cream/cc cream i use pore balm for pore coverage
5. When you still have breakout don't use heavy make up
6. Routine use mask for acne or clay mask to remove blackheads
7. Drink A lot of Water, eat fruits, vegetables
8. Sleep Well 7-8 hours
9. Reduce Greasy Food and Junk Food consumption
10. Excercise (swimming,gym,aerobik,yoga,etc) to make fat become energy. Fat also cause of acne, excess of fat can cause acne

This tips is work for me but maybe not for others, so decide your suitable products and eat healthy ways To Reduce & Prevent Acne  :) 

Products That I Use To Reduce Acne :
1. Benton Snail Bee High Content Essence 

This Product is from Benton, Maybe you rarely hear this product because they just founded in 2011.This product is from Korea, they focus on hypoallergenic and natural cosmetic products.
Snail bee high content essence marketed as being anti-acne,moisturizing, wrinkle, whitening/brigthening. This product very helpful to me to minimize my acne faster than other products. 

2. Nature Republic Bee Venom Pink Spot

After using Benton Snail Bee High Content Essence i fell in love with Bee products. This product comes from Nature Republic to soothes redness. It works for me to soothes acne redness. 

3. Innisfree Jejubija Anti Trouble 
I don't use all the series, Just Cleanser,Facial Mist, Essence R. This product good for treating acne and after that also help me to reduce sebum. 

4. Innisfree Mineral Sebum Powder 

For Oily Skin this powder help to minimize sebum, use after your powder. This powder has clear colour so don't affect your powder colour. Good Point is Your make up is Long Lasting :) 

Thank You for reading :)